This is a list of some of the professional, academic activities, community cardiology activities---free cardiac camps and, patient-education activities conducted by Dr.Srinivas Ramaka from June 1999.
- Participated In the free camps conducted By Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Datta Gnana Bodha Sabha Warangal Trust On The Following Dates
- 31/3/02-- Village – Arepalli--Dist Warangal, A.P.
- 27/04/03 -- Kashivishweshwara Temple, Bommalagudi, Karimabad, Warangal.
- 29/06/03—Village—Musthyalapalli, Mandal Atmakur, Dist. Warangal. This Camp Was Co-Organised By Vasavi Club, Warangal.
- 7/03/04- Village— Chundrukonda, Mandal, Nekkonda, Dist Warangal.
- A lecture on Management Of Heart Failure was delivered At API Nizamabad.
- A meeting Health Professionals And Tobacco control was conducted at MGM Hospital In Connection With World No Tobacco Day On 31st May, 2005.
- Participated in the Free Cardiac Camp Conducted At Village-Indurthi, Dist Karimnagar, A.P. This camp was organised by Sathya Sai Seva Samithi.
- Participated in a free cardiac camp conducted in a village-Tallapusapalli near Thorrur in 2005 organised by Sri.Jaipal Reddy.
- Delivered a lecture on “Current Management of Hypertension†at the meeting of the association of family physicians.
- Participated at the free camp held at police training college, Mamnoor.
- Participated At a free health camp for Employees Of Warangal Municipal Corporation, Warangal In 2005